About dealdump
dealdump was launched in Jan 2009 as the first Australian one day deal aggregator Website.
We track a large number of deal Websites for you and put them all in the one spot. With the amount of deal sites popping up, it is almost impossible to keep up. The majority of deals last 24 hours and start at different times throughout the day, making it even more difficult to follow.
The type of site we run is often called a 'daily deal aggregator' or 'daily deal tracker'. We don't limit our deals to 'sale-a-day' deals. We also track bargain sites, group buys and price comparison sites.
So if you are looking for a good deal, dealdump can send you in the right direction.
The Technology
To collect all the deals, we use a technique called 'Web Scraping'. This is the same technique as search engines like Google use. Our dealdump bot visits each of the deal sites and extracts the important deal information. We then store the results in a cache to make future access faster.
The web technologies we use include HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP.
Your deals on dealdump
Do you want to be featured on dealdump? We are on the lookout for:
- Websites that are dedicated to daily deals, group buys or price comparisons
- A new quality deal every 24-48 hours
- A location on your site that displays all your latest deals.
If you would like to drive more traffic to your Website, dealdump can help. Please contact us.
Have you got something else to share that belongs in our 'bargains' category? Please let us know.
Full Disclosure
We choose providers to feature on dealdump based on their quality and consistency.
Some of the links on our site are affiliate links, which means that we might get a small percentage of a sale, or a bonus if you sign up to their site. Affiliate links are only used after a deal provider has demonstrated consistency by providing quality deals to us over a reasonable period of time.
No employees of dealdump have ever worked for any of the providers we feature.
Enjoy shopping!